Wheldon Infant School & Nursery

Reception - Miss Graham and Miss Cummings

Summer 1 2024

This half term our topic is:

Why is the summertime so colourful?

In the event that our school has to close we have added a series of links below which your child can follow. Once your child has completed any work please can you upload to Tapestry for you child’s teacher to view.


Below is a document which explains how to play some FRED games with your child.

After you have played some Fred Games with your child, please listen to them read their home reading book and write any comments in their reading record. Their home reading book with either be a sound blending book or a Read Write Inc. story book. After they have finished reading, it would be great if you could support your child to have a go at spelling some words or sentences. Follow the links below for some ideas for a sentence your child could write. 


Here are some links to 'hold a sentence':





We follow White Rose Maths and NCETM. This half term, one of the aspects we will be focusing on is the section 'To 20 and Beyond'. Below you will find different activities you can do with your child at home that support their learning in class.


Handwriting lesson - Call out the sounds below and see if your child can form the letters correctly. Do this for all letters of the alphabet. Below you will find a document supporting our RWI scheme that shows the rhymes we teach to correctly form letters. Keep practicing that formation to ensure it is lovely and neat!

Drawing Club: 

Before starting the daily activity, read the story linked below at the start of each day.

Day 1 - Very Hungry Caterpillar- Can you draw a picture of the caterpillar? Don't forget your magic word and number! Can you challenge your child to write a sentence about the caterpillar? e.g. It has little legs. 

Day 2 - Setting - Can you draw the caterpillars home (a garden)? Don't forget your magic word and number! Can you challenge your child to write a sentence? e.g. The grass is green. 

Day 3 - Adventure - A brand new insect has been found in the garden! What does it look like? Does it have butterfly wings and spider legs? Does it have a sting like a bee and wings like a dragon fly? Draw your new insect and write sentences to describe it.


Here is a link to the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75NQK-Sm1YY 


Understanding the world

This half term we are looking at plants and what they need to grow. Could you have a look in your garden or locally around your house at what plants you see growing. Maybe you could have a go at planting seeds and caring for your own plant. 



In RE this half term we are learning about places which are special to different people. Talk about which places you have visited together which are special, why do you like them? How do you feel when you are there? You could take some photos of special places and then look through them together or share them with family members.