Our Mission Statement
At Wheldon Infant School and Nursery we believe that high expectations, respect and a love of learning, contributes to success in school and in later life. Through our engaging curriculum, personalised learning and supportive community; we enable our pupils to flourish, feel safe and believe in themselves.
School Aims
School Ethos
We aim to have a welcoming, calm, happy and purposeful atmosphere in school in which everyone feels comfortable, motivated and takes pleasure in their learning.
We see the Nursery and Infant School as a link between home, formal education and eventual employment in the wider world. Children will be encouraged to develop a sense of pride in themselves and their school and recognise that their school is part of a wider community.
We have a policy of co-operation, sharing and openness between all members of staff and all staff, teaching or non-teaching, are involved in the general education of the children. Within such an environment we aim to give all children the opportunity to develop the necessary skills to communicate, learn and acquire knowledge.
We welcome parents into school and encourage them to become involved in the education of their children.
We acknowledge the skills children bring with them to school and aim to extend their previous experiences and development in partnership with home.
We aim to provide an environment of high expectation in which children learn self-control, have self-respect and show care and respect for others and their property.
Respect – I understand that people’s feelings and their belongings are important and we must take care of them.
Resilience – I will keep trying when I find things difficult in my work and in my play. I am happy to be me and not afraid to have a go
Empathy – I understand that everyone is different and I am kind to everyone.
Curiosity – I like to ask questions and want to find out more.
Self-Discipline – I know what to do in different situations and I will make the right choices.
Teamwork – I can join in with other children, listen, use and share my ideas.