Wheldon Infant School & Nursery

Physical, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE)


Relationships Sex, and Health Education (RSHE)

PSHE & RSHE enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It aims to help children understand how they are developing personally and socially and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are a part of growing up. We provide our children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society. Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.

Whole School Overview

At Wheldon, PSHE & RSE are taught together through quality first teaching and additional whole school Awareness Days.

This document shows an overview of how PSHE and RSHE is taught within our school from Nursery to Year 2.

PSHE & RSHE in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

In EYFS, PSHE & RSHE is taught through one of the seven areas of learning labelled Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED). PSED is crucial for children to lead healthy and happy lives, and is fundamental to their cognitive development. Children are supported to manage emotions, develop a positive sense of self, set themselves simple goals, have confidence in their own abilities, to persist and wait for what they want and direct attention as necessary. Through adult modelling and guidance, they will learn how to look after their bodies, including healthy eating, and manage personal needs independently. Through supported interaction with other children they will learn how to make good friendships, co-operate and resolve conflicts peaceably. These attributes will provide a secure platform from which children can achieve at school and in later life.

PSHE & RSHE in Key Stage 1 (KS1)

 In KS1, PSHE and RSHE are woven to create one curriculum document. PSHE and RSHE are an important and necessary part of all pupils’ education. PSHE is a non-statutory subject, however it is used to equip pupils with a sound understanding of risk and with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions. Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is now statutory for all primary aged children. Due to the young age of our children, Sex Education is not taught in our school, although aspects that are covered in the Science curriculum are still statutory. Relationships education is taught within our school to put in place the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including online. We teach health education to gain an understanding of how to be physically and mental wellbeing . We strive to ensure pupil happiness is priority, and children are equip to deal with challenging experiences that may arise. 

Vincent Values

All of these aspects are supported within the wider work of our whole school fundamentals. Our Vincent Values praise and help children to foster key attributes and skills we hope they carry throughout life. Every Friday all children take part in a celebrations assembly where we celebrate the efforts and achievements made that week. Please see our Vincent Values below. For more information on this, please visit 'About Us - Aims and Values'.

Whole School Gallery

Below you will find images of all the exciting activities we get up to over the year:

Nursery Gallery

Reception Gallery

Year 1 Gallery

Year 2/1Gallery

Year 2 Gallery

Awareness Days

To further support and develop the knowledge and skills gained through PSHE and RSHE, as a whole school we take part in specific awareness days throughout the year to further develop and raise awareness of a variety of different key areas. Below you will find the awareness days for 2024/25.

Awareness Days Gallery 2024/25

Coming soon...

Photos of our upcoming 2024/25 Awareness Days will be coming soon...

Alternatively, please see all of the amazing learning we did last year during our Awareness Days.

Awareness Days Gallery 2023/24

Child Mental Health Week (5th - 9th February)

Child Mental Health week this year is from 5th - 9th February. As a whole school, we took part to raise awareness of child mental health. We began the week with a whole school assembly in which we read 'The Colour Monster' and linked the different colours to our feelings, recognised acts of kindness and spoke about class charters. Each class then did a variety of activities throughout the week to support and educate child mental health. Throughout the week all classes took part in a range of active breaks which included breathing exercises, dance breaks and movement breaks.


Nursery discussed things that make them happy. They had an amazing circle time discussion about the things they liked, and were able to go and draw some fantastic pictures. Nursery used this to discuss differences.


Reception have had so much fun with plenty of singing and active breaks. Reception have particularly loved singing and dancing to 'Try not to sing 2'. Reception have been discussing likes and worries this week. They used the book 'Ruby's worry' to discuss how worries can make us feel sad and we need to talk about them to feel better. Reception introduced a class worry box where children can post their name if they feel worried about a situation and an adult will speak to them. Reception also spoke about trusted adults and who they feel safe speaking to in school. Reception ended their week discussing how sometimes we feel sad and that's okay, but the best thing to do when you feel sad is do something you enjoy. Reception drew pictures of things they enjoy doing and discussed them with their friends. Collectively, Reception said they enjoy being outdoors when they feel sad - so the whole cohort when down to forest school to have lots of fun.

Year 1:

Year 1 used this this years theme of 'My voice matters' to discuss and draw things that they like doing that support their mental health and wellbeing. Year 1 collaborated all of their thoughts and created a bank of activities that support their wellbeing and the wellbeing of others. Year 1 finished the week discussing whom they could talk to in school if they were worried about their own, or someone else's, mental health and wellbeing.


Year 2:

Year 2 also used this years theme of 'My Voice Matters' to have the opportunity to discuss what matters to them and how they would change the world if they could. Year 2 also discussed different routines and habits for maintaining good mental health, and discussed different ways to feel good, calm down or change their mood. Once discussed, Year 2 independently choose something that positively supports their mental health - lots of children choose to head down to the forest school area. Year 2 also had an activity story session which replaced their literacy lesson. This was a way to remove 'classroom based learning' and swap it for something active. The children loved learning about stories and SPAG actively. 

Anti-bullying Week (13th- 17th November)

As a whole school, On Monday we took part in 'Odd Socks Day'. All children were invited to wear odd socks to school to celebrate our differences. All classes then spent the rest of the week participating in different activities and learning new information. Please see below the activities of each class.


Nursery discussed how to be a good friend. They also spoke about unkind behaviour and how it makes other feel when they are unkind. Nursey participated in 'Odd Socks day' to celebrate differences. Miss Southern showed the children the 'Senior Leaders' posted to allow the children to point out adults who they could trust and talk to about their worries.


Reception spoke about the importance of kindness. They spoke about kind and unkind behaviour and how that makes people feel. As a whole class, they labelled 'what makes a good friend' and 'an unkind choice'. They each then created their own 'a kind friend' poster, verbalising the kind things their friends do for them. In Reception, they also got busy with lots of crafts, creating a kindness tree and friendship bracelets. 

Year 1:

Year 1 unpicked how their words and actions can negatively impact others. They also worked on recognising whom in school they can talk to if they are feeling worried about themselves or another person.

Year 2:

Year 2 discussed what bullying was and listed the different types of bullying. They discussed how someone may feel if they are being bullied and whom in school they can talk to if they are worried about themselves or others. 

International Dance Day (29th April)

Watch the video below to see the whole school dance we created and performed for International Dance Day.

Road Safety Day

Other Useful Information

6 simple ways to practice PSHE at home:

1. From a young age, encourage your child to dress and undress independently and manage their own hygiene, such as by washing hands after using the toilet.

2. Provide a role play area resourced with materials reflecting your child's interests.

3. Encourage your child to help you plan and cook healthy recipes. Take them shopping and involve them in decision making.

4. Make time for simple activities and games that encourage teamwork, independence, sharing and turn taking.

5. Give plenty of positive encouragement and praise to build self-esteem, and when they do something wrong, help them reflect on why their behaviour was unkind and think of how they could have handled the situation instead (problem solving activities).

6. Read stories together, discussing the problem and solution.


For more information please visit:

National curriculum PSHE explained | TheSchoolRun


Useful Documentation

 2024-25 Awareness Days - Whole School Plan n.pdfDownload
 PSHE and RSHE Whole School Overview.pdfDownload
 Subject Document - PSHE and RSE with vocab.pdfDownload
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