Children are welcome to join our Nursery the term after their third birthday. Admissions are at the start of our Autumn term (September), Spring term (January) and Summer term (after Easter). We have an experienced staff team who strive to provide an interesting and exciting environment for learning and development.
Applications for nursery admissions need to be made directly to school. If you are interested in applying for a place, please complete the online application form below, thank you.
Data Protection Act 1998 and UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2021 - The school is collecting data in order to meet its statutory responsibilities for the provision of education to children in accordance with the requirements of the Education Act 1996 and The Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998. This data may be shared with The City of Wakefield Metropolitan District Council (WMDC) and other agencies that are involved in the health and welfare of school children.
Please complete this application form to apply for a place in our nursery. If you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our school office.
All applications for our main school places must be completed with Wakefield Metropolitan District Council (WMDC) School Admissions.
Applications for places for the academic year commencing in September 2024 are now open, if your child turns 4 before the 31st August 2024 you need to complete an application for a Reception school place before the 15th January 2024. Applications can be submitted online, please click this link to be redirected to Wakefield Council's online application portal:- Make an Application For a Reception School Place
School place applications must be made by someone with legal Parental Responsibility for a child. All applications will be treated fairly and school places will be allocated in accordance with the relevant published admissions criteria. Wakefield Council School Admissions take the issue of fraudulent applications very seriously; you are responsible for the accuracy of the information in your application.
Supplying false or misleading information, or failing to advise School Admissions of any changes - including a change to your child’s address - may result in the offer of a school place being withdrawn. You can find further information regarding this matter in the guide for parents, along with information about what to do if you change address.
Please following the link herewith to be re-directed to the school admissions page on the Wakefield Council website:-
Year 3 places are NOT automatically allocated when finishing Year 2 at Wheldon Infant School & Nursery. Applications must be made via School Admissions.
Applications for places in the academic year commencing September 2024. The online application system is open via Wakefield Metropolitan District Council (WMDC) School Admissions. The deadline for on-time applications is 14 February 2024. You are responsible for submitting your application by this date.
Please read the Primary Guide for Parents before completing your application.
It may prevent misunderstanding and disappointment later. The online application system is for Wakefield residents only. If you are not a Wakefield resident, please contact the local authority where you live. All parents/carers making an online application will need to create a new account.
Wakefield School Admissions offer school places by following the relevant published admissions criteria. Please ensure that the information you enter is correct.
Read the Guide for Parents for more detail, along with information about what to do if you change address.
You’ll be sent a letter with the decision about your child’s school. If your child is refused a place, you can appeal against the decision. The letter will tell you how.
You must appeal against each rejection separately. You can only appeal once against each rejection.
Preparing your appeal
The admission authority for the school must allow you at least 20 school days to appeal from when they send the decision letter.
The admission authority will set a deadline for submitting information and evidence to support your appeal. If you submit anything after the deadline, it might not be considered and may result in delays to your hearing.
Child Law Advice may be able to give you advice about appeals.
When the hearing will be
The admission authority must give you at least 10 school days’ notice of the hearing.
Appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for making an appeal.
What happens at the appeal hearing?
There’s a panel of 3 or more people at the appeal hearing. The panel must be independent and must follow the school admission appeals code.
The admission authority will explain why they turned down your application.
You’ll be able to give your own reasons why your child should be admitted.
The appeals panel must decide if the school’s admission criteria were properly followed and comply with the school admissions code.
If the criteria were not properly followed or do not comply with the school admissions code your appeal must be upheld.
If your reasons for your child to be admitted outweigh the school’s reasons for not admitting any more children at all, your appeal will be upheld.
You need to go through the same process if you’re appealing a decision about an infant class. In Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, the class size is limited to 30. Your application can be turned down if all the classes already have 30 children.
Your appeal could be successful if: