Wheldon Infant School & Nursery


Physical Education


Our curriculum is inclusive to every individual. Children will be supported in developing an appreciation for their own and others capabilities.

At Wheldon Infant and Nursery School we teach a high quality, exciting PE curriculum that promotes a positive approach to physical activity, health and wellbeing. Children will learn about their body and how it moves and responds to physical activity. They will make links between being active, eating well and keeping their body healthy. We strive to create an environment where children feel safe and are encouraged to be aware of the importance of safety in P.E but also to try new things and ‘have a go’.

Children will develop their fundamental skills alongside their agility, balance and coordination enabling them to be physically literate. Children will learn life skills such as teamwork, independence, self-esteem, and self-confidence through taking part in a range of games, sports and activities. Children will refine their fine and gross motor skills and develop their core strength and larger muscle groups in a coordinated way. We begin our PE curriculum in Nursery and this has a continuous flow in development of knowledge and skills up to Year 2. If you want to see exactly what it is we teach throughout the year, here is our whole school overview...

Useful Documentation

 2024-25 Sports Premium Overview.pdfDownload
 Subject Document - Physical Education 24.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2

Whole School Gallery

Here are some images of our PE lessons split into specific focus areas:

Fundamental Movement Skills:

Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) are the basic movements traditionally associated with human physical activity. The most common FMS include skills such as running, jumping, throwing, catching, skipping, and hopping. The images below show the progression of FMS through year groups. 

Nursery Gallery:

Reception Gallery:

Year 1 Gallery:

Year 2/1 Gallery:

Year 2 Gallery:


Below you will see pictures of our Gymnastic lessons. These lessons contain a mixture of balance and movement. The progression through year groups should be evident below.

Nursery Gallery:


Year 1: 

Year 2/1:

Year 2:


Reception to Year 2 have developed their movement skills through dance. Reception have been developing their ability to move freely to music, copy, develop and perform a sequence. Year 1, Year 2/1 and Year 2 have been developing their interpretive dancing skills. They have been creating, collaborating and performing sequences in time with others and the music. 


Moving freely to music...

Copying and performing simple movements...

Copying a sequence...

Performing sequence...

Year 1:

Year 2/1:

Year 2:

International Dance Day

 To celebrate International Dance Day as a whole school we create and perform a dance to our grown ups. Please find our International Dance Day videos below from 2023 and 2024.




At Wheldon, we work hard to assist every child acquire the abilities to develop teamwork skills and positively support one another's achievement. All children will learn how to participate in team games and develop skills and confidence to compete against other teams, locally and within our school. As a result of our close ties to other schools in the local area, we frequently have the opportunity to participate in events and compete against other local schools. In addition to this, we want all children to have the confidence in their individual ability. Therefore, in school we host daily lunchtime competitions to encourage the physical activity and the innate feeling of accomplishment. In every session, we put our fairness and sportsmanship to the test while fostering a positive attitude towards every challenge, regardless of the outcome. 


2023-2024 - Competition photos

KS1 Athletics Competition

KS1 took part in an Athletics competition against other schools in Wakefield. All children had an amazing day and were super pleased to come home with medals! Well done KS1. 

Roller Bike Competition

The ACL wellbeing team came into our school to hold an in house roller bike competition. We absolutely loved the friendly competition between classes!

At Home Activities

How can I help my child with PE?

Get excited about exercise! If you are positive about exercise your child will also have a positive attitude.

Guidance recommends children and young people should engage in moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity for an average of at least 60 minutes per day across the week. This can include all forms of activity such as physical education, active travel, after-school activities, play and sports. Can you get active at the weekend? It is great fun to go swimming, on a bike ride, jump in puddles at the park or for a walk. 

You can create further excitement by adding challenge and competition into these activities, we all love a bit of healthy competition! Who can find the biggest stick on your walk to the park? Who can swim the width of the pool fastest? Who can jump the highest on the trampoline?

There are also lots of opportunities around the Castleford area to join sports teams and clubs. Alongside this, this year we will be holding weekly afterschool club sessions with our Sports Coach and Forest School coach. We will send out information for these clubs each half term.